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Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association
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2023/24 SPRMHA
Annual General Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2024
Sherwood Parkdale Minor Hockey Association AGM Meeting Minutes
  1. Welcome and Opening of AGM
    1. President Craig Jones calls the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
  2. Approval of 2022-2023 AGM Meeting Minutes
    1. Approval of AGM Minutes: Moved by Tammy, Seconded by Mike G.
  3. New Business Arising from 2022-2023 AGM Minutes
    1. No new business was raised.
  4. Motion to Approve SPRMHA/CMHA Merger
    1. Craig provides an update to the membership on the merger’s background and reasons.
    2. Questions from the floor:
      1. Has Charlottetown voted yet?
        1. Answer: Voting happens tomorrow.
      2. Floor request: Summary of the motion in plain language.
        1. Response: The board will consist of members from both boards.
      3. What teams will fall under the new association (e.g., Central Attack)?
        1. All teams
      4. How will the differences in team fees between Charlottetown and Sherwood be addressed?
        1. Normalized
    3. Craig calls for a motion from the board regarding the merger.
    4. Shawn reads the motion.
    5. Motion to take the vote:
      1. Results: 27 yes, 3 no.
      2. Motion carried.
  5. The President thanks the membership for attending and moves on to the next phase of the agenda.
  6. President’s Report
    1. Craig Jones delivers the President’s report.
    2. Special thanks to Wade Lewis for his contribution to the board.
    3. Special thanks to John O’Brien for his 23 years of service as Ice Time Coordinator and Treasurer.
    4. Motion to accept: Moved by Steve, Seconded by Shanon.
  7. Treasurer’s Report
    1. John O’Brien reads the Treasurer’s report, including financials.
    2. Questions from the floor:
      1. Have referee fees increased due to the number of referees?
      2. Are early bird fees required for payments from people?
    3. Motion to accept: Moved by Erin, Seconded by Tammy.
  8. Directors’ Reports Review
    1. Directors’ reports and a summary of the coaches’ reports are available online.
  9. Nomination of Vacant Board Positions
    1. Vice President: Shawn Rodgerson (Incumbent)
    2. Treasurer: Patty Robertson
    3. Secretary: Jonny Stevens (Incumbent)
    4. U7 Director: Nick McGregor (Incumbent)
    5. U18 Director: Glenn Campbell
    6. Female Hockey Directors (2 Positions): Shannon Burke (Incumbent), Glenn Robertson (Incumbent)
    7. All nominations carry without voting as no other names were put forward.
    8. Congratulations to all new and returning board members.
  10. Closing Remarks
    1. Craig Jones acknowledges the work ahead for the merger.
    2. Thanks to the membership for attending.
  11. Motion to adjourn: Moved by Glenn, Seconded by Dave.
  12. Adjournment 7:50PM

Pre-Season A Level Ice Times Now Available on the SPRMHA Website


U13 AAA & AA Central Attack Rosters


Opportunity for U18 Players: Join the Grassroots Coaching Program


U15 AAA Central Attack Final Roster
