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Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association
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***UPDATE*** 2021-2022 Conditioning Camp Schedules


***UPDATE*** Aug 26, 2021

Please be advised, there has been a change in the times for males U13 and U15 conditioning camps. Please see the changes in the schedules at this link

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience.


To all Members

Conditioning Camps have been set for the 2021-2022 season. 

Conditioning Camps are made available to all our members through their registration fees. Please make sure your players are registered before attending these camps.

All conditioning camps will be held at either Cody Banks or Bell Aliant Center (BAC)

For a full list of all male and female conditioning camps, please visit this

Note: Schedules are subject to change. Therefore, keep an eye on our website for schedule change announcements.

If you have any questions, please send to

To ensure we are operating safely and following the Chief Public Health Office and Facilities, we must adhere to the following guidelines and protocols when using the facilities.

To open the season starting Sept 1, Cody Banks Arena will follow the same operational plan as last season with 4 cohorts (zones).  Each cohort is now allowed 100 people in it which is up from 50 when we closed last season. All zones (cohorts of 100) must remain separate at all times and must not crossover into one another.

Below is a list of rules that must be followed:

1 - On-ice users can enter the main entrance a maximum of 30 minutes prior to their ice time and must depart within 15 minutes of the completion of their ice time.
2 - Spectators may enter the side spectator entrance at the exact start of the ice time and depart immediately after completion of the ice time
3 - Screening and contact tracing must take place at the entry points (main entrance and spectator entrance (if used))
4 - Non-medical masks are recommended throughout the facility when social distancing is not possible

To Be Announced.

A reminder to check your child for COVID-like symptoms prior to each on-ice activity. The screening questionnaire can be found here: 

 If you have answered “YES” to any of the questions, please DO NOT send your child to on-ice activities at this time. Consult your health care provider or call 811 to determine when you can return to on-ice activities and whether you need to be tested for COVID19

If you have answered “No” to all the above questions, you may send your child to on-ice activities.


SPRMHA Executive Board

HPEI: Advisory on Smelling Salts & Health Risks


SPRMHA Teams of the Week - U13 A Team 3 Falcons & U11 B Team 2 Falcons


SPRMHA Student Bursary – Deadline March 8


SPRMHA Team of the Week - U11 A Team 2 Cyclones
