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Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association
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***UPDATE*** Cody Banks Arena – Additional Spectator Zone


The Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) has approved Cody Banks Arena for the 4th cohort of up to 50 people as spectators (Zone 4) in addition to our current spectator Zone 3 of up to 50 people.  The updated guidelines below MUST be followed in order for a user group to use Zone 3 & Zone 4 for a total of up to 100 spectators.  
  • Each ice time will be assigned Zone 1 or Zone 2 plus Zone 3 & Zone 4 for spectators if required.  This means that each ice time can have a maximum of 3 cohorts of 50 for a total of 150 people per ice time.  A user group assigned Zone (1 or 2) will be for the first cohort of 50 that includes skaters, coaches, referees, timekeepers etc and will enter/exit the main entrance.  The 2nd & 3rd cohort of 50, in Zone 3 & Zone 4, will be for spectators who enter/exit the side entrance.  
  • Any user group accessing both Zone 3 & Zone 4 must-have TWO volunteers who will ensure Zone 3 & Zone 4 never interacts with each other or with any users of Zone 1 or Zone 2.  This includes ensuring no interaction with anyone in any other zone when spectators from Zone 3 or Zone 4 require access to the public washrooms.  If only using one spectator zone then only one volunteer is necessary.
  • Zone 3 & Zone 4 spectators MUST wait in their vehicles until the exact start time of their child’s /team’s ice time.  NO GATHERING & WAITING JUST OUTSIDE THE SIDE DOOR FOR THE ICE TIME TO START!  At the start of ice time, Zone 3 and/or Zone 4 spectators exit their vehicles and enter directly through their assigned side entrance door and MUST go directly into their assigned spectator stands.  Zone 3 spectators MUST enter the left-side door and turn left into the Zone 3 spectator stands.  Zone 4 spectators MUST enter the right-side door and turn right into the Zone 4 spectator stands. 
  • Zone 3 & Zone 4 spectators MUST exit the same door they entered IMMEDIATELY once their child’s/team’s assigned ice time is complete.  Absolutely no loitering after the ice time.
  • Any user group accessing Zone 3 and/or Zone 4 MUST track each individual who enters Zone 3 or Zone 4 for contact tracing purposes.  Names and phone numbers must be kept for a minimum of 30 days.  If using both Zone 3 & Zone 4 then the tracking of information MUST occur after the spectators have entered the stands in their assigned zone.  Entry & exiting of Zones 3 & 4 must flow quickly.  Spectators cannot be lined up at the entrance waiting to have their information collected.  If gatherings are occurring due to information being collected at the door then we will be forced to stagger spectator entry times which will mean some spectators missing the first 15-20 minutes of an ice time.
  • It is highly recommended that host teams contact visiting teams prior to their games in order to assign the visiting team a spectator zone, coordinate who will be attending the game from the visiting team and to ensure visiting teams are aware of all the zone guidelines for the arena. 
  • It is highly recommended that the public washrooms only be used in emergency situations by Zone 3 and Zone 4.  A maximum of one person at a time may travel to and from Zone 3 or Zone 4 to the public bathrooms at one time due to social distancing requirements.
  • Seating for Zone 3 & Zone 4 will be marked with decals in order to maintain social distancing.  
  • It is strongly recommended that non-medical masks be worn by spectators in Zone 3 & Zone 4 if social distancing is not possible. (Note: Although Cody Banks Arena indicated masks are not mandatory, HPEI has mandated that masks are mandatory for all minor hockey functions.)
  • It is imperative that each group who access Zone 3 & Zone 4 follow the guidelines set forth so that all user groups have an equal opportunity to access to Zone 3 & Zone 4 throughout the day.  
For more information on the guidelines and floor plan, visit our COVID page at

***REMINDER*** Deadline for SPRMHA Board Nominations May 4, 2024


Parade of Champions Reminder


SPRMHA Executive Board Vacancies


SPRMHA/CMHA Merger Update
